
Bruce Dickinson tries to justify new setlist

Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden tried to justify Maiden‘s setlist, that contains mostly new work, in a recent interview.

“[New fans] aren’t interested in nostalgia. They want new stuff and they want exciting stuff.” he said.

“Bullshit” I say, Bruce Bruce. Iron Maiden has a backing catalogue of 15 albums and by playing mostly only songs of the last 4 albums, you’re cheating your fans out of 11 albums of great material. I’d rather listen to the first 5 albums on repeat for the rest of my life than to listen to a whole song of your new album. Plus nostalgia is what bought you that plane in the first place. You know what plane I’m talking about captain Brucie.

In other news, Dick-in-son sounds like a pedophile’s internet pseudonym.

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