
Mudvayne make movies

Well, not really, but three of their videos made it into an European film festival. This is about as exciting as finding out the turtle’s penis is in its tail.

“The three consecutive experimental music videos for Mudvayne’s “Scream With Me,” “Heard It All Before” and “Beautiful and Strange” have been accepted to Europe’s largest film festival:  Raindance. These non-performance videos tell the story of Satan’s grisly attempts in conceiving his first human child on Earth. The trilogy is to be screened at the 18th annual Raindance film festival, as it was originally intended to be seen: in true eye-popping HD.

Okay, I don’t know about you, but that text is just plain stupid. First of all, Raindance is not the largest film festival in Europe. Ever heard of the Cannes Film Festival? Yeah. It’s where everyone goes. Who the hell ever heard of “Raindance”? No wonder they got in. They’ll probably even accept my YouTube video of my cat shitting in my soup.

Secondly,  “Satan’s grisly attempts in conceiving his first human child on Earth?” — Is this a story about Sharon Osbourne? She already has a few kids…

And last but not least. “True eye-popping HD?” Hahahaha… Jesus Christ, the only eye popping you’ll see will be from the audience, gouging their eyes out to stop all the visual atrocity. Seriously awful news. It’s not even news, I apologize. More of my laughs, after the jump.

Hahahahahahahahahahahhahaha ahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha ahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaahhahahahahahahahah ahahaahahahahaahhahahahahahahahah ahahaahahahahaahhahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahhahahahahahahahah ahahaahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaahhahahahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahhahahahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahhahahahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha ahhahahahahahahahah ahaahahahaha ahhahahahahahahahahaahahahaha

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