
Billy Corgan likes being difficult

Billy Corgan of The Smashing Pumpkins thinks he’s a Playstation game. Otherwise, why would he take being ‘difficult’ as a compliment?

The concept of being difficult… if it means, ‘Hey, you don’t fit in this nice little box like the Nicklebacks and Linkin Parks of the world,’ then call me difficult; that’s a good difficult. If I’m considered difficult because I don’t wanna fit in, I’m OK with that. If I’m difficult because I’ve been difficult, I’m willing to say, ‘Yeah, I have been difficult,’ and I’ve oftentimes apologized to people.

Listen to interview after the jump.

Holy jumping Jesus Christ, what on earth is he talking about? Did he lose a bet where he had to say the word difficult a million times in a sentence? Cause it’s difficult for me to understand why it’s difficult for him to say he’s difficult without justifying being difficult while being all the more difficult to interview, in this difficult world filled with difficult problems and difficult people. I win.

Source: Blabbermouth

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