
Dead… By April

Dead By April

Dead By April, the band I didn’t know about until like 3 minutes ago, have lost their guitar player. He didn’t die, he quit. I’m so crushed over this, I’ll be spending the rest of the night drinking my ass off. Here’s the announcement:

Guitarist Johan Olsson has left the Swedish “pop/metal” band Dead By April. He says in a statement, “We have had some differences and been going in different directions for a while and there’s always a certain point you reach when you need to really decide if you can go forward together or not. So I have decided to leave Dead By April to focus mainly on my own music and bands. Also give time to my other projects like my clothing company, Suckerpunch Clothing, as well as of course my family and friends.

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Let me take a wild guess, one direction was pop, the other was metal? Judging by the fact he has a clothing company, we’ll label him pop. If you happen to like this band, feel free to compare the before and after albums (if the second happens) and let us know what has changed, since I saw one of their music videos (you can too if you continue reading) and I don’t plan on doing anything similar ever again.

Now the only question remains, will they make it past April?

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