Musical clinics, how do they work? I’ve just read an article about Megadeth drummer Shawn Drover doing drum clinics in November (read the article here) and I realized that I don’t even know what the hell a drum clinic is.
A quick Google search gave me exactly 3 results but maybe I’m just too stupid to properly use Google. Google ain’t rocket science though so “What is a drum clinic” should work, shouldn’t it? Oh well. One of these results was pretty helpful though. Some guy on a forum had the following explanation:
“Firstly if you’ve heard of Drumfest or Drummer live then a clinic is a condensed single drummer version of that. Usually around a couple of hours long, its an opportunity to see high profile or just great players and tap into their experience. Content varies but includes solos, play alongs, occasionally a live band, questions and answers, interaction etc etc. ”
Source: Cambs Drumming
Sounds, well, boring. Who wants to see a drummer solo for a couple of hours? If you want to see this particular drummer in action, why not go to the band’s concerts? Maybe I just don’t get it because I’m not a musician myself though.
So apparently guitar clinics are pretty much the same as drum clinics but guitars are more interesting than drums. So drummers are fucked. Sorry Shawn.