Good news for Vikings and everyone who feels like one, Amon Amarth have confirmed rumors of them working on a new album. Not like we didn’t see this one coming, but here’s their announcement:
The last couple of months we have been busy working on our follow-up to ‘Twilight Of The Thunder God’. Ten songs were written and on October 1 we started tracking drums for the album in Park Studios. After a short trip to Tokyo, which included our first-ever show in Japan at the renowned Loud Park festival, we continued tracking bass and guitars at Fascination Street studios. Recordings have been going well and we are now more than half way through and the album starts to take shape. We’ll keep you updated with more info soon!
So sometime probably during 2011 the world is going to be reminded that, contrary to whatever they might think or how hard they try, they will never be as metal as something from Sweden. We can’t wait.