
Phil's one man band

Here’s the stuff Phil can do: sing, play guitar, play bass, hug dogs.
Here’s the stuff Phil can’t do: form a coherent phrase, keep a constant pitch in his voice while talking, blink normally.

Luckily, his new album will only require those things he can do, as it’s not a motivational album or anything.

Hellbound: Will you be handling the rest of the parts of the album? Playing guitar, singing and playing bass as well?

Phil: I’d say about 99%, for sure. I might have a couple of guys do some leads. I’m nothing great at leads, I’m kind of creative with themes but as a lead guitar player I’m pretty God-awful! Depending on the music, you know, I’m thinking this particular project might call for someone with a little more lead guitar talent.

Read full interview here.

When asked if the dog will have anything to do with the album itself, Phil had no comment. He just emulated a bark. Or maybe that was his answer, who knows anymore?

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