
Yngwie likes Guitar Hero

Yngwie Malmsteen loves Guitar Hero and Rock Band… In fact, those games made him pick up the guitar in the first place, as he points out in this interview with “Invisible Oranges”

Invisible Oranges: What do you think of video games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band?

Yngwie: Well, I was originally very skeptical. But it actually turned out to be a great thing because it introduced kids to rock and guitar. Guitar was kind of dead in the ’90s. It’s not a bad thing. It actually turned out to be a really good thing.

Read full interview here.

Okay, so he didn’t pick up the guitar because of the games, I was making stuff up exaggerating for the sake of journalism. Newspapers do it all the time, so why can’t I? We make fun of these games but we do agree that they brought ‘guitar playing’ to the masses, so that’s definitely a good thing. I never expected Yngwie to approve of them, by the way. I thought the only things he liked were lasagnas and real guitars.

You live and learn I guess, huh?

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