
Who's to blame for Sepultura not reuniting?

Does anyone even remember the old, the one true, Sepultura? You know, that band that featured both Cavalera brothers. No, not Cavalera Conspiracy, even though that’s how Sepultura should sound like nowadays.

Do young metalheads, who got into heavier music because of Soulfly’s work with Fred Durst, even know that Max Cavalera used to be a Death Metal vocalist? Yes, seriously.

Now, who’s to blame for Sepultura not reuniting? Who’s to blame that we’re not getting great music, instead of awful albums about A Clockwork Orange?

Make the jump to see what Max Cavalera thinks about said situation.

Current Soulfly / Cavalera Conspiracy, former Sepultura vocalist Max Cavalera recently told Sonic Excess the following about the much-talked about Sepultura reunion;

“I have not heard anything about that, as far as trying to get SEPULTURA back together. I did call ANDREAS, and I had a real good talk with him. It sounded like he wanted to do it, and I had IGOR onboard for the reunion. I think the only person preventing it is PAULO. I don’t know why, but I think PAULO is really against the reunion. People should ask him why he is so against it, because I think it would be a great think for the fans to see the original line-up. SEPULTURA was one of the most important bands in the metal scene, and it would have been really cool to do it. I don’t need a reunion, because SOULFLY and CAVALERA CONSPIRACY are doing great, but I would like to do it for the fans to show them we had this kick ass band. We can do it again, but people should ask PAULO why it doesn’t appeal to him.”

First off, what a shit way to plug your current bands, while talking about your former band. Second off, just earlier this year, Max blamed Andreas Kisser for the reunion not happening;

“I thought the time was good, it would have been a good time for a reunion, everybody’s alive, everybody’s here. So I just decided to call him (KISSER) myself to see if we can get this reunion (happening that) a lot of people wanted to see, including my kids, my family, a lot of friends. I know a lot of friends in the whole world who wanted to see this reunion, I thought it’d be a good thing. So I call him and it didn’t really go anywhere. He just demanded a lot of stuff, some unreal things, it was not… some of that was not even negotiable. So I just kind of hang up the phone and just say, “I’ll try again later, some other time”. So it kind of, with things like that now, we just… At least I try, you know, to the fans – I did try my best to get a reunion going, but I couldn’t do it because ANDREAS didn’t want to, you know? So gotta wait until next time.”

So who’s fault is it? Kisser’s? Jr.’s? Or how about Igor? Nah, Max and Igor are on good terms (currently), so no reason to talk crap about him (yet).

How about Max though? Seems plausible because he’s the only one badmouthing his former bandmates. Sepultura have a “new” singer who’s been with the band for 13-fucking-years now. Why would they just kick him out like that for a reunion with a guy who talks shit about them in interviews?

Even if Paulo and/or Andreas are against the reunion, I can fully understand it. And I say that even though I think all of the latest Sep albums are shit. I guess, it’s better to have a functioning band who plays shit music than to share a band with people you don’t like and play better music. People got to understand that these guys are on the road for months and they have to deal with each other daily.

And I wouldn’t want to deal with Max daily either.

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