Thanks to Stefan Franke of Century Media, I got to interview Peter Dolving, vocalist of The Haunted. I’m really anxious to get this one posted because it turned into my favorite interview so far, simply because it’s funny as hell. A huge thank you goes to Dolving for playing and joking along. I’ve had the complete opposite in other interviews and I’m glad he joined in on the fun.
Take into account that I sent these following questions before Christmas last year and he answered them after Christmas. Make the jump to read on.
Dose of Metal: Christmas is right around the corner, how will you be spending Christmas this year?
Peter Dolving: I slept. And watched documentaires on the 2nd world war, plankton, read Dawkins and masturbated. It was possibly my best Xmas yet.
DoM: What kind of music gets you into Christmas mood?
PD: SPK; Leichenschrei. And anything by artists who suffer a lot. You know, kind of as a reminder that “Yes it’s Jesus birthday, and yes he was a wanker too, and yes he suffered for his art. Too. Oh the pain. etc. etc.”
The other path I would choose is Dean Martin, Kenny Rogers and anything with William Shatner.
DoM: Personally, I’m not a big fan of Christmas because it’s not metal. What holiday is the most metal one?
PD: Easter. Definetly. The betrayal, the mocking, the torture and killing of the Jesus must count as pretty frickin metal.
DoM: It’s winter and lots of people get stuck with sore throats and colds. Got any homemade remedies that keep your voice in top shape?
PD: Cock. Possibly lots of cock? Or heroin and coke. Most great singers seem to be either on heroin or cock, or both. So it has be one or the other right?
The Haunted's latest music video 'Trenches'
DoM: At the Gates recently announced that they will be touring next year, what does that mean for The Haunted?
PD: That I’ll be sucking cock at public restrooms for rent. Again.
DoM: What exactly are plans for The Haunted next year?
PD: To split up. Become famous. Make a widely acclaimed “Last” tour. And everything is business as usual really. Oh, I’ll be undertaking an expedition to the centre of the earth. But that’s totally in my private time.
DoM: According to Wikipedia (reliable sources FTW), you were set to record the follow-up to ‘Versus’ in last October. What can you tell us about the recording process?
PD: We made songs. Then we went to a “studio”. It’s aplace with microphones and stuff. And then we played the “songs” and slept a lot. Really. Great. Fun. Then we listened to what the fat danish guy said we had “played”. The we went home. I really like being at home.
DoM: Since ‘rEVOLVEr’, and more so ‘The Dead Eye’, you’ve gone down a much more experimental path. Is this something we can expect to see further on the new album?
PD: We are completely out of acid and shrooms right now. Does that answers the question?
DoM: If you could be haunted by any person, who would you want it to be and why?
PD: The ghost of Tom Joad? No wait… It would be the ghost of Audrey Hepburn. THAT would be some haunting sexy shit.
DoM: I’ve recently conducted an interview with Testament’s Chuck Billy and he outed himself as a The Haunted fan. Hearing that, does it make you proud of what you’ve accomplished as a band?
PD: No. But I like Chuck Billy, he’s such a cool dude and he makes me want be a great singer. When we play in San Fransisco he’s always there, and the last things I’ve heard before I’ve gone onstage the last couple of time has been his voice “Kill em!” Obviously, that is pretty fucking intense.

Coolest shoes ever.
DoM: As I’ve just given my interview with Chuck Billy another look, I noticed in the band picture I posted of you, you are wearing the same Adidas Superstars I have. Pretty cool, huh?
PD: Coolest thing. Ever.
DoM: Who were your biggest musical influences growing up?
PD: A guy with a beard called Thore Härdelin who played the violin and sang really cool folksongs. He got laid more than anyone, and had kids all over the place where I lived. Yes, I’m a redneck, I know.
DoM: Which song, would you say, is the archetypal The Haunted song?
PD: There’s actually a certain tonal structure, melodic tendency and dynamic that goes together somehow. You can spot it if you listen to Bullethole/Bury Your Dead/DOA/AllAgainstAll/The Flood/Trenches/Unseen (from the upcoming record).
Or… well, kinda.
DoM: With the growth of technology and the internet, do you feel that music is becoming devalued, or is it just evolution?
PD: I think it’s great that people make music. It’s a harsh period for a lot of professionals, because the “commercial” part of the business is certainly oversaturated. But with time, I’d say it’ll stabilize, enough weekend warriors will have succumb to alcoholism, overdoses, sheer boredom and the weight of their own bloated egos. And the paying audience will eventually get tired halfarsed musicians trying to be their idols. It’s all good. But what about the growth of beards? What does that do for metal?
DoM: Any last words for your readers at
PD: I love, maybe not you as a person, but the fact that you took the time to read this far. Most folks in most places wouldn’t even give a rats ass. Peace!
DoM: Thank you for your time!