
Iron Maiden mastermind

I always thought being a huge fan of a band was about their music and the way you relate to it, not about how many obscure facts you know about them. But I must be in the minority, because whenever I talk to a fan about his favorite band, he always seems to sheepishly insert or allude to trivia nobody gives a fuck about, just to prove how big a fan he is. Oh right, so you know in what year Lars Ulrich bought his first condom? You must get Metallica, man.

Anyways,  there’s a British show called “Mastermind” which glorifies these types of fans, and right now it’s Iron Maiden‘s turn. Some 27 year old fan will apparently answer questions about his favorite band on TV or something like that, I really didn’t have the patience to read the whole article. Think you do? Then read it here.

Make the jump to see a Metallica fan on the very same show. Make the jump off a bridge if you knew all the right answers, too.

Source: Blabbermouth

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