
Dave doesn’t like being called a ‘lady’

Jimmy Kimmel sent some Mexican guy to the Grammys and the joke was “a rose for the lady” being said over and over again while that dude was handing out roses. Hilarious, right? Indeed, original too. Genius.

Anyway, the dude went to Dave Mustaine with the same great joke and Dave was not amused. Dave‘s response? “Fuck you! Go away!” then he shoved that guy and threw the rose at the camera.

I can’t say I blame him. He’s there representing metal. You can’t do that to the guy who co-founded two of the Big Four. But Dave, you could have handled it a bit better. Like, I don’t know, saying “Thank you” then headbutting him in his mustache? The possibilities are endless. Aren’t you trained in karate? How about a roundhouse kick?

Video after the jump.

The incident is at 1:35

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