
Devin Townsend releases release date

Well, I got some good news and bad news.

The bad news involved being at a grocery store earlier today. I went into the “10 items or less” lane and this elderly lady was in front of me. For some strange reason, I decided to count the groceries in her cart and she had 11!  I politely asked her to leave the line or take one item out because clearly she was breaking rules. She refused to, explaining to me having an extra item wasn’t a big deal! This frustrated me!  I know it sounds like I’m pulling a Larry David, but this old bag needed to go into any other line besides the “10 items or less” one!  Rules are NOT meant to be broken!

The good news, however,  is Devin Towsend has spoken over Twitter and has finally set a release date for his upcoming new albums ‘Ghost‘ and ‘Deconstruction‘.

Looks like the release date for Deconstruction and Ghost is June 20. Info on special presale stuff soon. Thanks for the support!!!

Hurray for Devin Townsend! F U to the granny!

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