
Lars and Dave sitting in a tree…

The Big Four dates are approaching fast, so expect more and more press about the relationship between the four bands and especially between Metallica and Megadeth.

In this Lars interview, however, you get to read about what went on between him and Dave in the 80s and 90s. Why would you care? Because it’s pretty surprising how much they hung out, considering their ‘rivalry.’

Dave would come up and play San Francisco a lot. And I would always go find him, and we would drink and do lots of drugs and sit around. For those years, ’84, ’85, me and him got over our issues really quickly at that time. […] Me and Dave had kind of a friendship and cool thing going at that time, up through most of the ’80s.

It wasn’t until both bands started getting bigger that this whole kind of thing started happening in the press, which was really kind of different than what we had going between us. […] In some way, you could argue that the thing press was doing, about setting our bands up, eventually started kind of transcending itself into our personal relationship and probably became a big part of the fact that over the ’90s, it got a little frosty at times.

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So basically the whole ‘kicking out’ thing was resolved quickly, but Metallica both bands got bigger and Dave the press started stirring the pot? I get it now.

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