
Tuesday Trivia: The most expensive metal video

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Lately, Dose of Metal was going all retro on your ass and revisiting some dying trends, so we posted a few music videos here and there. We also reported on Papa Roach. Get it, their trend died out a long time ago. Oh, we did it only for the lulz. Your mother as well.

Have you ever wondered though, which music video is the most expensive metal video of all times? I have, I checked, and I’m bringing you the info, right after the jump.

So, the video. How does one do this research, exactly? I’ll give you a hint. You google “most expensive metal video” and see what comes up. To save you the trouble, you’ll get a few lame jokes, but not much real info. What to do now? Well, a trick I learned while doing the research for the most listened to metal band, you just drop metal out, then manually search the list for something remotely metal.

Which brings me to this gem, which joins the ranks of Michael Jackson and let’s not forget, MC Hammer, fool:

Let’s pretend this meets the criteria to be labeled any sort of metal. That’s some boring ass $4.000.000-worth 10 minutes of Axl Rose’s private life tripping. Guns N’ Roses are actually featured twice in most of the most expensive music video lists. And you can guess which the second one is. Yes, November Rain, which was also featured on some of our lists as well.

I actually managed to dug out a break down of the expenses for November Rain, and they’re the following:

  • Renting a symphony orchestra: $25,000
  • Specially constructed chapel: $150,000
  • Wedding dress: $8,000
  • Specially constructed coffin: $8,000

Note how the wedding dress and the coffin share the same price.

Now that we’ve got this out of the way, one’s gotta wonder, which one’s the cheapest? You’ll have to wait for that one while I go over Immortal‘s videos and try to figure it out, until then, here’s a fun use of $20:

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