
Kiss gives their fans everything they want


Except for decent music, new music or old band members. Seriously, just how do they get away by having two guys replace the classic lineup members in their makeup? But I guess the issue at hand is not what Ace Frehley or Peter Criss would want, it’s what a person who still likes Kiss nowadays would want. And hot damn, they apparently want a lot of shit, because according to Pete Stanley:

“People sometimes say, why do you have things like Kiss sleeping bags? Because a fan asked for it. We’re not great merchandisers — we’re great listeners. We give the fans what they want. If that’s a crime, I’m ready for my trial.”

That’s right Pete, you tell them. And again, I don’t really mind them doing all the merchandising, I’d probably buy some of this crap if I were damaged in the head, but saying fans would prefer a sleeping bag to songs or honesty regarding band members. Hmmmmm…

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