
Tool guitarist joins the WWE

Tool, the “genius” band that take over five years after each album to rewrite the same album again and release it under a different name, allegedly may be working on a new album. They’re probably hard at work thinking of new and creative ways to rehash the same music.

During the long wait, Tool guitarist Adam Jones has joined the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) for Summerslam. Well, I don’t mean he actually joined the WWE as a wrestler. Not that he didn’t want to or anything, it’s just Adam Jones isn’t an interesting enough name to be a wrestler. You have to have ultra mature names such as “Stone Cold” or “Miss Hancock” to make it big. So, instead Adam took the stage to perform a rendition of the U.S.A. national anthem.

You can watch a video of the performance above, unless you’re straight and above the age of 13, in which case you’ll have no interest in Wrestling.

[Source: Blabbermouth/Metal Injection]

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