
Tuesday Trivia: Metal connection #1 – Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage

There’s something pretty weird about Nicolas Cage. His movies are either pretty good, or pretty shit. Or Ghost Rider, which is a category of its own.

What the hell does any of that have to do with metal, you might ask? Well, as part of a short series of trivia articles I’m thinking of starting, I’ll be going places outside of metal to look for metal. Make the jump now, because it’s Tuesday Trivia time, bitch.

Nicolas and Weston Cage

It's trve, Nicolas is metal

No, that’s not an image from the set of Ghost Rider, that’s actually Nicolas Cage with his son, Weston “Arcane” Coppola Cage. And since this was not a Halloween photo session, you can probably figure out the connection yourself: Weston is a metalhead (and an angry kid, hence plethora of rage jokes online). In fact, he’s the singer of Eyes Of Noctum, a California-based symphonic black metal band. They have one album, Inceptum, released back in 2009, and the second full-length, Narcoma, is coming out this year.

You can listen to a song here, and find more info on the band’s official website or their Myspace page.

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