
Weekly Dose of Metal: Obituary

This week’s dose of Metal is Obituary, for no particular reason other than they kind of kick a lot of ass. Well more ass than I kick. Have you seen me? I couldn’t fight my way out of a paper bag.

Obituary are a North American Death Metal band, and as a reader of Dose of Metal, you should know that. You should also know that the band formed in the mid 80’s and are a fundamental act in the development of Death Metal music. A bit like I’m a fundamental  person in the development of awesomeness.

The song ‘Don’t Care’ can be heard below and is taken from 1994’s World Demise. The song has been considered by many as a protest song against Man-made pollution. That’s not a very ‘Death Metal-y’ topic, but the song will desecrate your ears regardless.

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