
Friday Top 10: Bands we’ve written about the most

Since it was our birthday last week, the last Friday Top 10 has been all about us. Meaning we counted down the top 10 articles of ours, based on views.

This week I just feel we need another self-centered, narcissistic article about how much we rule, thus I decided to let you guys know which bands we’ve written about the most in our year of existence.

I should point out that some of our posts have tagged more than one band, so some of the posts counted for one band may be included in another band’s count. Confused? So am I. Basically I just arranged the tags based on post count and made the list. Jeez, you don’t have to get all specific on me and shit.

I also want to point out that we’ve written 2,027 posts as of right now, so yeah, that’s why the numbers aren’t that big. We’ve only been up for a year, give us a break man, fuck.

#10 – Dave Mustaine

Wait a minute… Is Dave Mustaine a band? Technically, yes, but since he’s the only name in this top, I figured it wasn’t worth changing the title to “Bands/Artists we’ve written about…” just for him.

I was actually surprised by his name making the top, figured there had to be some band we’ve written about more than Dave himself, but I guess not.

Posts: 46

#9 – Iron Maiden

We’ve written a lot about Iron Maiden, and it shows since they’re 9th on our top.

We also made fun of them a bunch of times but trust me, all of DoM’s writers love this band. Who doesn’t? You don’t? Get aids, eat shit, and die, dumbass!

Posts: 52

#8 – Guns N’ Roses

Well, well, well, if it isn’t GNR. Well, technically it’s not anymore, but let’s not get into that discussion.

I like the Slash-era GNR, and I really think Bumblefoot is a great guy and I had loads of fun interviewing him. Can’t really say I’m a big Axl fan, but maybe it’s because I don’t know him well enough. 🙁

Posts: 53

#7 – The Big Four

Fuck, how is The Big Four a band? I’m glad you asked — It is isn’t! — But here’s the thing. We opened our site in September 2010, The Big Four‘s European gigs had just happened, the DVD was coming out (we even gave two away, remember?), we simply knew there were gonna be many more Big Four news so we simply decided to tag them like that. Not really fair to the other bands, but hey, a lot of people are going to these shows, just wanted to let them be able to choose this tag and see Big-four-related news only.

Posts: 54

#6 – Slipknot

Can’t really say I’m proud of having these guys here (let alone this high up), but I guess Corey’s million side projects, books, and other shit simply got a lot of mentions.

I promise every entry in this top, from now on, is legit. Well, almost…

Posts: 56

#5 – Ozzy Osbourne

Bat-loving, bat-swinging, batshit crazy metal legend Ozzy Osbourne made the list, huh? Not surprising, his wife has sold her soul and her kids’ private lives for the chance to be on MTV all the time, so now every time Ozzy takes a shit, it makes the news — and we make fun of it!

He’s tied with Slipknot at 56 posts, but we put him on top based on this argument:

Ozzy was in Black Sabbath. Slipknot played nu-metal. Ozzy wins. Actually, it’s more like: Slipknot fucking LOSES!

Posts: 56

#4 – Slayer


Nothing else needs to be said. Okay, maybe the post count:

Posts: 78

#3 – Anthrax

Slayer are fourth, Anthrax are third, it’s pretty clear who’s in the Top 2, eh?

Anyway, Anthrax have had more vocalists than I’ve had sex. But that’s not an accomplishment, since I’ve only had sex once (twice if you count my tuggin-master cousin). Still, they have a new album out and they still kick ass, the chick doing PR for them really hates our site though.

I wonder why? We’re amazing.

Posts: 97

#2 – Megadeth

Kudos to Dave for being on this list twice, basically. It’s no secret that there have been shitloads of Big Four news, so this is not a surprising second place.

But what can we say? We love Megadeth so we’re happy we get to write so much about them, I guess. We also interviewed David Ellefson, so we are teh rul3z0rz.

Posts: 108

#1 – Metallica

Wow, shocker, right? Well, who can blame us? There’s more news about Metallica out there than there are stars in the universe. I’m no astrophysicist, but that means A LOT.

At 171 posts and counting, Metallica sure wins this one by a clear margin (8.4% of all posts, yikes!). But they also sold more albums than all of the bands here put together (times 3,000), so yeah.

Posts: 171 (I know I’ve said it already, give me a break, son)

So there you have it, our Top 10 most written about bands, as of September 16, 2011. I’m sure the numbers will change this year, but I doubt the top will change much, since this pretty much represents the percentage of news about all these names.

Here’s what our tag cloud would look like, if we had a working one. But we don’t, because we’re not hipster-bloggers.

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