Rob Duke’s (Exodus) crossover side project Generation Kill have an album coming out September 16 (in Europe, 11 days later in US), and it’s called Red, White And Blood. Which I read in my head as “red, white and more red.” Should you give a shit? Well, why do you always have to turn to me, make your own mind for once.
To make it easier for you, the band has posted an mp3 of the title track for download at this location, but I’ve taken the extra effort and made it available to stream with one click of the button right here on the website, just because I care about my lazy readers <3 And since I’m that nice, I’ll also warn you and tell you the song features lyrics such as “I don’t know but I’ve been told, Eskimo pussy’s mighty cold” AND The Star-Spangled Banner, but does it work?
Listen to the song below, see the tracklist and the album cover after the jump.
Generation Kill - Red White And Blood
01. Hate
02. Red White And Blood
03. Feast For The Wolves
04. Self-Medicating
05. Depraved Indifference
06. Slow Burn
07. Section 8
08. Walking Dead
09. Dark Days
10. Let Me Die
11. Wish (Nine Inch Nails cover; bonus track)