
Tour story, bro — Every Time I Die writing a book

Every Time I Die

Aaaah, the wonders of the internet. The most advanced technology in communication the world has seen, spent on countless hours of arguing about which operating system is better and which Metallica album is the worst.

Where was I? Oh yeah. If you follow Keith Buckley and Every Time I Die camp on Twitter, you might remember their hashtag meme #tourstories, which they’ve used to crowd source the most interesting fan submitted tour moments (dropping some new media terminology up in this bitch yo), and according to band’s recent tweet, they are turning it into a book.

remember #tourstories? its now becoming a book. send your story to @_tourstories to be a part of the next true great american masterpiece

The band promised to review everything submitted, and the most interesting stories might get a full page interview along with the 140 character tweet.

There you have it, if you ever wanted to be a part of an internet meme, in an old school book format (paper and shit), this is the perfect opportunity to contribute. Photos of the tweets can be found after the jump.

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