
Wayne Static married a porn star

With regards, Captain Obvious.

Seriously though, we fucking get it. Your wife used to be a pornstar. It only took about ten songs named after her, 20 songs about her, and 30 videos featuring her to get through our thick fucking skulls.

Anyway, if you have any desire to listen to a song by Wayne Static while watching him hump Tera Wray for about four minutes, Noisecreep premiered the video for “Assasins of Youth” today. The closest thing I can compare this video to would be Marilyn Manson‘s (s)AINT, but where Manson tries way too fucking hard to come across as shocking and intelligent, Wayne tries too fucking hard to come across as shocking and funny.

And finally, about the song… Let’s do a little experiment. Before you hit that play button, stop for a second, close your eyes and imagine what a solo song by Wayne Static might sound like. Hit play. You will shit bricks.

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