
An audio interview with Richie from Sol Invicto

Hot album cover is hot.

Remember our little interview with Richie Londres from Sol Invicto we did a while back? Or the incident that caused it? Yeah, of course you do. Anyway, the interview I’m talking about now in this article wasn’t conducted by us, it was done by Anthony Saia from KUOI 89.3 FM.

Why did I even bother writing about it, then? Because it starts the only way a good interview should start like: talking about us! BOOM! Dose of Metal in da house! Represent! They talk about how we’re awesome or something like that for a few minutes, then they switch to other themes, which I didn’t quite understand because Richie is more well spoken than me in my mother tongue (and I’m Eastern European so naturally I’m better at stealing cars than talking).

We can’t wait to give you more material like that article that started it all. Just to make it clear, though, we didn’t review the EP, it was more of a news article. When we review it, it’s going to be more in the lines of this one.

You can listen to the interview with the player below:

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