
Axl does “his best” to play on time, apparently

Sarah Rodman of The Boston Globe recently conducted an interview with Guns N’ Roses bassist Tommy Stinson. The bassist, in particular, discusses Axl’s reputation for turning up 38 hours late to concerts. Check out some excerpts below:

The Boston Globe: Is there any way to sit down with Axl [Rose] and say there’s no reason that fans should have to wait up to three hours between the opening act and Guns N’ Roses?

Stinson: There is no reason ever for that to be.

The Boston Globe: So why does it happen? What is happening during the time that people are waiting?

Stinson: You know what? I don’t even know. I just know that some days my boy gets [expletive] derailed. I know he does his best to get out there on time. He doesn’t want to make people wait and bum out on him but, again, he can’t play before he’s ready either.

The Boston Globe: Maybe he should start getting ready earlier then, because he must be paying all kinds of overtime and fines at these arenas which must be eating into the tour profits.

Stinson: You’ve got a good point there. You know, that’s never been something he’s ever given a [expletive] about. When he’s ready to put on his best show, that’s when he’s going to put it on, and if it’s on the late side, so be it. He’ll gladly pay the extra money.

Source: Blabbermouth

You know what, Tommy? If I turn up 3 hours late to my job, I get fired. I don’t exactly perform “at my best” when I have to wake up for work at 6:45am, but I do it, because I have to. Frankly, I’d rather Axl had the respect for his fans to turn up on time and play the show the fans paid their hard earned cash for. The cash they probably earned by turning up to work on time and doing a good job. Maybe Axl should try that, huh? There isn’t any excuse for the disrespect Axl shows to his fans.

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