
DJ Ashba got the ‘GNR gig’ just by showing up

Guns N’ Roses have been auditioning guitarists for over a year before getting DJ Ashba, so the guy just wants everyone to know that unlike those guys, all he had to do was ‘be in the room’ to get the gig. Way to be humble about it, DJ.

What happened is that I got a call, basically saying — I got a call at SIXX: A.M., and we had a number one hit at the time, and it said: ‘Listen, GUNS has been auditioning guitar players for about a year and a half on the down low. They can’t seem to find the right guy.’ Then they asked if I would be interested in coming down and checking it out. And I said, ‘Yeah, I’ll definitely come down.’ I guess Axl got wind that I was going to come down, and he called management and said, ‘If he even shows up in the room, he has the gig.’ So it was kind of that easy.

Read full interview here.

Amazing guitarists don’t audition, yo. All they need to do is enter the room and BOOM, their aura will take care of everything.

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