
Sharpie pen: Yngwie Malmsteen signature series

Yngwie Malmsteen has his own line of Sharpie! pens… Because when you see a lean, small pen, you’re thinking Yngwie Malmsteen, right? I would understand a double cheeseburger being named after him, or a beach ball. But a pen? Pretty weird choice.

Here’s what some guy who works for Sharpie said:

It was fantastic to meet one of the greatest guitar players of all time and talk about music and several of our common interests. It was also an honor to present Yngwie with his own personalized Sharpies. It means a lot that he chooses our markers to sign autographs. He’s definitely made an indelible mark on music, and in some small way, we hope Sharpie has helped him make a lasting impressions with his fans.”

Read full article here.

A photo of the pen after the jump. Hell, I’d buy one, for all the shit I talk about signature series, I sure buy a lot of them. [/hypocrite]

Source: Noisecreep

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