Well, I’ve got some good news and bad news. Do you want the good news first? As we have reported countless times, Devin Townsend will be releasing ‘Deconstruction‘ and ‘Ghost‘ on June 2oth. Now the bad news? No, I’m joking – it’s more good news! Devin went on his Facebook to announce he started working on yet another new album.
EPICLOUD is the next record. Big, heavy, romantic kind of melodic stuff. Pretty, ethereal and simple. My head’s been in a new place as of the past few weeks. Been biking quite a bit and learning Lynyrd Skynyrd songs on bass. Writing lots for Epicloud….
If you enjoy quality music, then that’s obviously fantastic news to start your Monday with.
Make the jump to view one of my all time favorite Devin Townsend vocal performances (just ignore the annoying drummer).