Author Archives: Chris

About Chris


Scott Columbus passed away

Sad news has surfaced in the metal world, unfortunately.   Ex-Manowar drummer Scott Columbus died this past Monday at the age of 54.

With the exception of  ‘Battle Hymns,Scott Columbus drummed on every single Manowar album in the 80s.  Scott left the band in 1990 but rejoined six years later to record the next three Manowar albums.  He left in 2008 due to creative differences with bassist Joey DeMaio.

Manowar also just released a statement on their official website:

“With great sorrow we announce the passing of our brother Scott. A rare talent, equally a rare individual, a father, friend and a brother of metal  All the great moments we spent together are burnished in our hearts and memories forever. We know he is in a good place and at peace. He will never be forgotten.”

Scott was a talented drummer, no question about it. He will be missed in the metal world.  We at Dose Of Metal give our condolences.


Volbeat release new video

As some of you might know, I’m someone who’s always encouraging fans of hard music to experiment with new, different types of artists.  I think Volbeat is a band people should check out.  They just released their latest video, ‘16 Dollars,‘ and the song comes off their fourth studio album, “Beyond Hell/Above Heaven.

Volbeat definitely have a unique sound to them.  A lot of you are probably already fans, while a lot of you probably aren’t too familiar.  They’re obviously a metal band.  A metal band that has a lot of musical influences, most notably a huge rockabilly sound…

Don’t be a fool and check out this band! Give the latest Volbeat video a chance after the jump.


Death Angel answer fan questions

A couple of weeks ago, Death Angel opened up a Q&A section on their official site.   Fans have the opportunity to ask any member anything they want.  Death Angel uploaded their first video on March 18th, their second video on March 24th and just recently their third video, which, in my opinion, is the most important question of them all:  Iron Maiden OR Judas Priest?

It’s a tough question! It’s like asking who do you love more, mommy or daddy?  Who is more intense, Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers?  Better basketball player, Larry Bird or Magic Johnson?  Who gave you the best lap dance from the strip bar the other night?  You just can’t decide!

The boys in Death Angel also had trouble.  Luckily, they seem to have answers and you can see what they said, after you make the jump.


Devin Townsend releases release date

Well, I got some good news and bad news.

The bad news involved being at a grocery store earlier today. I went into the “10 items or less” lane and this elderly lady was in front of me. For some strange reason, I decided to count the groceries in her cart and she had 11!  I politely asked her to leave the line or take one item out because clearly she was breaking rules. She refused to, explaining to me having an extra item wasn’t a big deal! This frustrated me!  I know it sounds like I’m pulling a Larry David, but this old bag needed to go into any other line besides the “10 items or less” one!  Rules are NOT meant to be broken!

The good news, however,  is Devin Towsend has spoken over Twitter and has finally set a release date for his upcoming new albums ‘Ghost‘ and ‘Deconstruction‘.

Looks like the release date for Deconstruction and Ghost is June 20. Info on special presale stuff soon. Thanks for the support!!!

Hurray for Devin Townsend! F U to the granny!


In Flames are happy to be on Century Media

Swedish metallers In Flames recently signed to Century Media records. Lead vocalist, Anders Fridén seems rather excited.

“This is number 10… Album number 10! That we even made it this far, that is amazing. Then, to deliver the album of our career that is something else… It’s fast, slow, heavy and mellow. It’s happy, sad, angry and calm. Sounds Of A Playground Fading is everything we ever done on crack (it’s a metaphor boys and girls), it’s cask strength whisky when it’s THAT perfect moment. Use and abuse!!!!!   By the way, we are happy to be in bed with Century Media. They know the business, we know the music, a perfect match. What can possibly go wrong… ha, ha, ha!!!!!!” – Anders Fridén.

Album number 10, eh?  Well, they have come a long way.  Helped pioneer the Melodic Death Metal genre, trading singers with Dark Tranquility in the early 90s, releasing a masterpiece in 1996,  failing to try and sound like Korn years later and continuing to sell a lot of albums for a Metal band. Metal elitists can trash and call them sellouts all they want, but In Flames have accomplished quite a bit over the years.

Make the jump to see when ‘Sounds Of A Playground Fading‘ will be released in your country.

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