Author Archives: Dose Of Metal


Metal Christmas everyone!

Happy Holidays, fuckers, get drunk, get laid, pass out, repeat.

– The Dose of fucking Metal team.


Giveaway: Death Grip T-shirts

Hello, fellow metalheads! Like promised, here’s our fourth giveaway, this time we’re giving away five awesome metal t-shirts. What do you have to do to enter this time? Well, just enter your details and that’s it! Just like last time…

More info and entry details after the jump.

Thanks to our pal Jay Jensen of Death Grip Clothing for offering these great prizes. Check out his store, he has a lot of shirts and hoodies which will make you look metal as fuck.


Prizes have been won, brix have been shat

It’s Sunday, October 2nd, and this means all three of our giveaways are now over.

Giveaway 1 | Giveaway 2 | Giveaway 3

The bad news: If you entered but didn’t receive an email saying you’ve won, it means you didn’t win.
The good news: We’ll have a fourth giveaway tomorrow, and we’ll have 5 prizes for you, which means they will rock your faces off!

You’d think we’d stop sending you shit after three entire contests, but we’re Dose of Metal, that means we’re awesome, and we’ve got shit to give away…

Anyway, thanks for reading this site and entering the contests, we’ve had entries from all over the world, and the lucky winners are all from different countries, which makes it kind of cool, since contests are usually pretty restrictive and only cover North America and Europe.

So yeah, hope you’ve had a great weekend, and feel free to enter the contest tomorrow, doesn’t matter if you entered the previous contests or not, or if you won. Anyone and everyone can win stuff at Dose of Metal. Cause we be from the streets, yo!

Have a nice day.


Birthday Giveaway 1

Since we’ve celebrated one year of (awesome) existence, we’ve decided to give you guys a prize that you can’t really find anywhere else.

School started again, and since we’re sure our target audience is below 15, what better way to help you guys than to give you a pencil? But not just any pencil, a pencil that has some devil horns micro-sculpted into it. It was made (and given to us) by the amazing TOLDart. It’s really unique and we’re sending one your way!

Okay, so all you have to do to enter this contest is.. NOTHING, except to enter your info. What, you think we would trick you into making something for us in return? We’re cool, dammit, and except for a FB/Twitter like/follow beg, we’ll give you the chance of winning this one of a kind prize without any strings attached.

Make the jump for more info.


Birthday Giveaway 2

So we’re also giving away a few Rising Pain EPs and posters, and the Hemoptysis album.

Even if you en the first giveaway, you are still allowed to enter this one as well, so make the jump and find out more!

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