Author Archives: Guido

About Guido

elite metaller

Interview: Nerthag (Nephrolith)

A month and a day ago, I reviewed Nephrolith’s killer debut album Xullux and gave it a 4,5 skull rating. The band originally asked us for a review of the album and I was so impressed that I asked them for an interview, right after I wrote my review.

Nerthag, Nephrolith’s vocalist, agreed to do an interview with me. It took us a while to get it done but here it finally is. You can find the interview after the jump.


Video of the Week: Ministry

Does anyone remember the time when the USA had a white (lulwut?), dumb president? Oh, who am I talking about? Come on now, I don’t have to tell you his name, do I?

The dumb guy from Texas was probably the most parodied and ridiculed president the States ever had. Ministry even dedicated an entire album (Houses Of The Molé) to him, including the video above for the song ‘No W.’

So enjoy your Saturday with the song/video above. God bless America.


Friday Top 10: Best Death Metal songs

People always ask me “Hey, you awesome metal journalist you, what are the best songs of <insert genre>,” so I figured I’d write a list about the greatest Death Metal songs of all time.

There are just a couple of rules I’m limiting myself to. #1 Only one song per band, #2 Must be Death Metal; not Melodic Death, Deathgrind or Blackened Death.

Sounds simple? Well, it is, isn’t it? So make the jump now for this week’s Friday Top 10.


Metal Kino: Anakonda Im Netz

In the past couple of years, it became popular to shoot documentaries, as well as biographical feature films (i.e. Walk The Line, Ray etc.), about musicians. And it doesn’t stop with Metal. Documentaries about music genres or specific bands are more popular than ever before, so I thought it would be a good idea to start recommenting metal documentaries that are worth a watch right here at Dose of Metal.

We’re starting the first edition of Metal Kino (Kino is German for cinema, get it?) fittingly with a German band: Who else but Rammstein? The band released a documentary called Anakonda Im Netz (= Anaconda In The Net) with their Live DVD Völkerball in 2006.

I couldn’t find a trailer for the documentary but the video above is also taken from Völkerball, a performance of ‘Reise, Reise,’ which also appears in the documentary.

The thing that impressed me the most about this documentary is that each of the bandmembers, especially the surprisingly soft-spoken Till Lindemann, seem to be extremely laid back, down to earth and just overall very nice. Coupled with their exemplary work ethnic (a typical German stereotype) and interesting stories from the road, this 60-minute film gives a nice view into the world of Rammstein.

A story of fire, fishing and heavy music, you can view Anakonda Im Netz after the jump. The film is in German with English subtitles.


First snippet of new Machine Head album

In the video above, you can hear 30 seconds of Machine Head’s upcoming single ‘Locust.’ The single will be released on June 14 (that’s just in 6 fucking days!) and Machine Head’s upcoming album, the follow-up to The Blackening, also has a release date: September 27.

So let’s give the sample a listen. It sounds… different, especially the vocals sound way different to what we’re used to by Mr. Flynn. I’m not sure if I like the poppy chorus vocals (not sure if it’s actually the chorus, heh) but it’s way too early to judge it just yet.

It does already convince me that this is no Blackening 2 and I’m glad the Head are trying to spice things up there.

This is going to be a long week because I can’t wait to listen to the entire song.

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