Author Archives: Guido

About Guido

elite metaller

Pain fucking rocks

Everyone who’s into Death Metal and/or Melodic Death Metal, knows Peter Tägtgren of Hypocrisy but not many, admittedly me included, know much about his side-project Pain. Or maybe many do know a lot about them but not just me. Who knows?

Anyhow, you can watch the video for ‘Dirty Woman,’ off of Pain’s new album ‘You Only Live Twice,’ above and I can only repeat the headline: it fucking rocks. The album will be released on June 21.


Interview: Kyle Thomas (Exhorder)

It has been a difficult time for Exhorder lately. Bassist Frankie Sparcello (pictured above on the left) died last month.

I originally talked to Kyle Thomas, Exhorder’s singer, just a little over a week before Frankie died, for an interview. The interview was then, understandably, put on hold for a while. Then I completely rewrote the questions for the interview to talk about the recent events, their third studio album and how it feels to be back with Exhorder.

Make the jump for my interview with Exhorder’s Kyle Thomas.


Spotlight: Titans Eve, Yggdrasil, Wormrot

You don’t want to be in the spotlight when these guys above are after you but other people deserve to be in the spotlight and that’s why we’re reviewing albums by artists who contacted us via our ‘Your Band’ form. Are you in a band? Do you want to be featured on our site? Click the link and contact us.

Not all artists, featured in the spotlight category, contacted us themselves. Some albums were sent to us via their label or PR agents but that doesn’t lessen your chance. We don’t care who writes to us, we will listen to everything with an open ear. Sometimes even with two.

This week, one album was listenable, one album blew me away and one album surprised me. Make the jump to find out which of these statements fit which band.


Phil Anselmo remembers Peter Steele

In January, Revolver magazine published a ‘Fallen Heroes’ issue about legendary musicians that died and it included a bit of Phil Anselmo, of Pantera fame, remembering Type O Negative’s Peter Steele, who died a year ago today.

At the time, Revolver didn’t print Phil’s entire text though but they decided to publish it online today. You can read that after the jump, or here. Personally, I really liked what he had to say.


Ewww new Korn…

Korn are apparently streaming a new song, of some upcoming EP or some crap but let me tell you right now (RIGHT NOW!), I don’t give a crap and I did not and will not listen to it. I’m posting about it because some of you (shame on you) might be interested in it.

I honestly just want these guys to go away. It even pains me to see krap like this posted on a serious (we mean business, boooi!) metal website but I’ll just have to go through that for you guys. I’m taking this one for the team.

Click this and your ears will start bleeding. I’ve warned you.

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