Author Archives: Guido

About Guido

elite metaller

Best of… shit you've (probably) never heard of before Vol. 4

Time for another edition of BO… SY(P)NHOB. Catchy title, eh?

You should know the deal by now but in case you don’t, I’m telling you again. Because I can. And because you’re reading anyhow. See?

So, I’m abusing my Internet super powers to tell the world about unknown bands, that I think are worth checking out. This is just the first step of my masterplan, which is to make the world more metal. A world made of metal. A sea made of steel. A sky made of iron. I have a dream.

Make the jump to make the world just a little bit better.


Best of… shit you've (probably) never heard of before Vol. 3

It’s the third day in a row that I’m bringing you metal acts you haven’t heard of before.

In numero uno and dos, I mainly showed you bands that aren’t active anymore (with the noteable exceptions of Wulfgar and Necroid) but this time I want to bring you closer to some bands that haven’t formed too long ago and aren’t being covered on the main metalsites I know, be it because they’re not signed to a big label or whatever.

Let’s just get right into it after the jump.


Best of… shit you've (probably) never heard of before Vol. 2

Everything successful needs a second part, which is almost always worse than the first part but someone just needs to cash in.

Here’s the problem: I’m not getting paid for this, therefore I don’t do this because of cashing in but honest interest though. And this is why we’re not getting worse here, it only gets better.

If you haven’t read the first part of me covering unknown metal acts, well, shoot yourself or just go and read it now. And then come back and read this one. And then read the rest of the site. And come back daily. And tell your friends about us. And your grandma.

Just make the fucking jump already.


Best of… shit you've (probably) never heard of before

Who likes to find new music? One benefit of being a metalhead is that there are literally millions of bands out there to discover.

You want some Melodic Death from the mid-90’s? No problem. Thrash from the late-90’s? No problem. Brutal Death from the early-00’s? No fucking problem. It’s out there, just dig deep enough.

One portal that helped me discover “new” (not necessarily new in general but new to me) bands is Metal Archives. They basically cover every metal band that ever fucking played. No shit.

I’m going to give you a quick rundown of bands, that are fairly unknown but still pretty fucking sweet, after the jump.

Jump! Jump! Jump! Everybody jump!


Does popularity kill trueness?

There’s one thing metalheads don’t get sick off arguing about and that is, is Band X metal? And are they more metal than Band Y? And what about Band Z? They sure lost steam after their first Demo, right?

Read some more babbling after the jump.

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