Author Archives: Guido

About Guido

elite metaller

Interview: Stefan Horn (Jack Slater, Excrementory Grindfuckers), part 1

13 months ago I interview Jack Slater’s bassist Chris. Jack Slater have since then disbanded, and former members have started various other projects. Stefan Horn, Slater’s former singer, is probably the busiest of the bunch, so I asked him for an interview.

We talked about different topics and the interview turned out to be pretty long, so I decided to split it into two parts. You can read the first one by clicking the ‘Continue reading’-button below, and the second part will follow tomorrow.

Today’s part mostly deals with Horn’s flash cartoon project Tooncraft, and tomorrow you can read a bit more about his work in music, with Jack Slater and the Excrementory Grindfuckers, and more.


Ask Anders Colsefni

Anders Colsefni, former vocalist of Slipknot, has started a Youtube account where he answers fan-submitted questions. You can basically ask him anything via his mentioned Youtube channel, his Facebook page, Twitter or email (

Personally I thought that all three videos, he has uploaded so far, were interesting, and I can’t help but point out how much of a professional and sincerely nice-guy he is.

If you’re wondering what not to ask, check out the questions he has already answered in our interview with him.

Check out the first edition of Ask Anders/Anders Colsefni Q&A above, part two and three after the jump.


Getting into: Malevolent Creation Day 2

Not much going on.

On the second day of trying to get into Malevolent Creation, I didn’t really get further into it. I actually didn’t listen to much music today, but those spots were saved for Cannibal Corpse and a bunch of piano covers on Youtube. However, I did listen to the yesterday mentioned ‘Slaughter Of Innocence.’ In fact, I’m listening to it again right now.

Today wasn’t positive to my mission, but the battle is not yet lost. I won’t judge too early. Sometimes you just need to be in the mood for Death Metal, and today is no such day for me. Actually I just wasn’t in the mood for much music period, not just Death Metal. These days don’t come often, but sometimes they just do.

Either way, I wouldn’t read too much into that. It doesn’t mean I’m not getting into Malevolent Creation, it just means I’m not getting into Malevolent Creation just yet.

To at least update something I talked about yesterday, the Xbox 360 update finally arrived and it’s… alright. Should be better once they include Youtube later this month.


Fuck off.

[ Getting into: Malevolent CreationDay 1 – Day 2 ]


Six Feet Under smashing face

Six Feet Under, with their new, fucking killer line-up, toured earlier this year. The first album with that line-up should be announced soon. Personally, I can’t fucking wait for new SFU.

Make the jump for a video of Six Feet Under performing the Cannibal Corpse classic ‘Hammer Smashed Face.’


Getting into: Malevolent Creation Day 1

Malevolent Creation – Between Majesty and Manowar

Malevolent Creation’s album Retribution made it into my iTunes. Due to its spelling, it has been placed between Majesty’s Hellforces and Manowar’s Battle Hymns. When you keep their respective styles in mind, this is a very odd placement. Some of you might be wondering why I’ve even got Majesty and Manowar on my computer. I simply love all kinds of metal. That’s the best explanation I can give you.

So on this first day of getting into Malevolent Creation, I’ve listened to the entire album twice so far. I must admit that during the second time I didn’t pay too much attention, but I kept listening to it in the background while checking my Xbox 360 for the announced update.

So far I’ve really enjoyed most of what I’ve heard, especially ‘Slaughter Of Innocence,’ a brutal but groovy song, with a killer breakdown. “DIE MOTHERFUCKER!” indeed. I can only say good things about the album so far and I’m kind of curious as to what the next couple of days will bring. Am I going to get sick of it fast? Am I going to listen more and more, slowly falling in love with it? I can’t really tell just now, but you’ll know more about it tomorrow when I’m posting the next part of Getting into Malevolent Creation.

[ Getting into: Malevolent Creation – Day 1 ]

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