Author Archives: Mark


Promoters to make concerts ‘more affordable’

2010 was apparently a disasterous year for the concert industry, with many popular acts having to cancel and/or postpone tours due to poor sales. The poor sales have been attributed to the high cost of many concerts in what has been a difficult year for the economy. According to the report I’m stealing this news from, A Perfect Circle were selling tickets for as much as $200, which let’s face it, is down right ridiculous. If I wanted to have a good sleep, I could pick up some sleeping pills from the pharmacy for $10.

Because of the poor sales, promoters are claiming that they will be making concerts more affordable in 2011. So good news for all you fellow concert go-ers. That is unless you’re Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber fans, as those “artists” will still have their concerts sold at the same prices, because their fans are gullible  enough to pay the extortionate costs.

Read more on the story here.


Fear Factory postpone U.S. tour

Unlucky if you were hoping to catch Fear Factory this week, because according to a recent posting via the band’s Facebook page, the previously announced U.S. tour dates have been “postponed.”

It is as yet unknown whether the postponement is due to Dino eating too much Christmas dinner, but don’t worry, because the band do wish you a happy new year…So that makes everything ok.

“The uglier version of Marilyn Manson who makes repetitive bubblegum pop music with SNES instrumentals brings in as much cash as the big boys? This world is going down the drain.”

For as second I thought you were talking about Trent Reznor, but then I remembered Trent doesn’t bring in anywhere near as much as those guys.


Meet Portnoy’s replacement

Are you ready to meet Dream Theater‘s replacement for Mike Portnoy? Or rather, that should read are you ready to meet the much RUMORED replacement for Mike Portnoy?

None other than legendary drumming sensation Marco Minnemann, of Kreator and Necrophagist fame, has been strongly rumored to have joined Dream Theater.

Ifyou’re eager to find out if the news is true, you’re just going to have to keep your eyes glued to Dose of Metal and keep pressing the F5 button until we report on the situation.


Metal gets stupid

Apparently news is slow around the Christmas season, and hence why I’m reporting on a band called Severed Crotch, and not a new Metallica album or something instead. Without any hint of sarcasm, Blabbermouth reports that the band have apparnetly signed with Japanese label, Amputated Vein Records. Whoever they are…

And yes, this is a real band and that is a real label. Holy shit.


Damned cables

It’s Christmas Eve, why are you reading this and not out getting drunk instead? Then again, a better question might be why am I writing this when I could be out getting drunk? What can I say, I’m dedicated to my work (*cough* I have no friends).

So on to the news. Joe Trohman of The Damned Things recently talked to DiMarzio, Inc. — the company that manufactures magnetic pickups for electric guitars — about the making of the debut The Damned Things album, Ironiclast, and his DiMarzio pickups and cables. Watch the video after the jump.

Exciting stuff? Nah not really. On second thoughts you would be better off just getting drunk instead.

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