Author Archives: Mark


Mike Portnoy leaves another band

Last time, it was the phenomenal, Dream Theater, but it’s ok, because this time it’s only Avenged Sevenfold.

Why did he leave? Maybe he was tired of simply ripping off better bands. Or maybe the guys asked him to also wear eyeliner and dress like a girl? Who knows… I would read the statement to find out, but it’s only Avenged Sevenfold, so it’s not like I actually care.

If you care, here’s the statement Mike made (stolen from Blabbermouth of course):

“Yes, the rumors are true… Sadly my time with Avenged Sevenfold has come to an end… The band has decided to carry on into 2011 without me…” said Mike whilst counting his money.

Oh so he was kicked out then huh? Mike went on and on, and I’m lazy, so if you want the full statement, check out the link above. Or don’t.


Interview: DEF-CON-ONE

I recently was contacted by a band known as DEF-CON-ONE. Hailing from the North-East of England (Also known as the most badass part of the country), DEF-CON-ONE may (from their name) sound like a Nu-Metal band to those quick to judge, but those that take the time to check out the band, will find one of THE bands you need to watch out for in 2011.

Although DEF-CON-ONE took me away from my porn browsing habits, I can forgive them, as instead of having a self-induced orgasm, I was offered a full-on Metal eargasm. It was definitely worth the time. Hell, as soon as I heard that Antton of Venom was involved, I just had to check these guys out.

For those of you out there that haven’t heard the band before, they play a very groove oriented form of Thrash Metal (well, at least that’s my opinion). They actually remind me very much of an old-school Burn My Eyes era Machine Head, but with a heavy Pantera influence. Unlike many unsigned bands though, DEF-CON-ONE don’t rely too heavily on their influences and have developed their own sound incredibly well.

All four of the guys were kind enough to answer some of my questions, so check out my interview after the jump. You won’t be disappointed!


What happens if you’re naughty at Christmas?

If you’re naughty at Christmas, then Santa normally brings you a sack of coal (or at least, he does for me), but things are a little different this year, as Santa will be bringing you GWAR instead.

I know, harsh right? That’s even worse than a sack of Coal. Hell, that’s even worse than the Take That cd your naive Grandmother will inevitably buy for you this Christmas. has posted an exclusive holiday-themed clip starring intergalactic metal band GWAR. The footage, which is “filled with chaos, violence and bloody grandmothers,” (at least according to Blabbermouth. You don’t think I actually watched it myself do you?) can be seen after the jump.


Christmas comes early

Yes, you read that right, Christmas will be coming early. Well, for all 4 of Steven Adler‘s fans (who by coincidence are also in his band) that is, because Adler’s Appetite will be releasing, not one, but two brand new singles on Christmas Eve.

Steven Adler was in Guns N’ Roses and recorded drums for Appetite for Destruction, in case by some miracle you managed to escape Steven‘s 4 million and 25 hundred posts about how he was in GnR and how the original lineup (including himself) really need to reunite. Funny that it’s the one that really needs the money that wants the comeback…

If by some miracle you actually care, you can find more info here.


Motorhead hate the US

Ok, maybe Motörhead don’t quite “hate” the US of A, but if you’re living in America and are eagerly awaiting Motörhead’s 174th album, The Wörld Is Yours, it’s bad news I’m afraid. The album will not be released until Febuary.

However, if you’re from the UK, you can get the album in a special edition of Classic Rock Magazine, from today. The album is officially released in January. Unless you’re from America of course…

More info here.

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