Author Archives: Mark


Want to play just like Anthrax?

Anthrax, despite not quite knowing who their singer is, are undeniably Thrash legends.  So I’m betting a lot of you out there want to learn how to play guitar just like Anthrax right? Well, don’t bother.  Because Guitars are for oldies.  All you need in order to be a rock god these days, is a modern games console and a piece of plastic shit modelled on a guitar with 4 buttons replacing strings and frets.  Simply amazing.

So, if you want to learn how to play just like Anthrax, put down that guitar, put down that bass, that mic and the drum sticks, and pick up Rock Band today.

The Anthrax songs will be made available on September 28 on the Rock Band Music Store for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Wii.


OZ Rehash

The band often referred to as legends by their 12 remaining fans, OZ, have reunited, and they’re currently recording a new album…

Apart from, it really isn’t a new album, as half the songs are just going to be re-recorded “classics” from their old albums.  Wow, original.  That was definitely worth reuniting for guys.  Guess they need the money.

The album titled as (and sounding more like a Limp Bizkit album), Greatezt Blitz, will be released some time in 2011, containing some new songs and some re-recorded old songs.


Aerosmith to continue

Here at Dose of Metal, we are both deeply saddened and shocked to hear that, despite Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler’s new job on American Idol, this will not spell the end for Trashcore band, Aerosmith.  At least according to bassist Tom Hamilton (yep, I haven’t heard of him either).

We can only hope that one day, these dinosaurs finally decide to call it a day.

Check out the full story at Blabbermouth.


Blast From The Past: Cult of Luna – Salvation (2004)

For fans of:  Isis / Neurosis / Callisto / Pink Floyd

Cult of Luna is a Swedish experimental and progressive Post-Metal band.  Gaining critical praise for the first two albums, Cult of Luna and The Beyond, it wasn’t until their third album that Cult of Luna really began to push the envelope.

Continue reading to see my review of Cult of Luna’s third album, Salvation.


Vince Neil writes a book

There’s nothing more Metal than writing a book about how Metal you are, for a bit of extra cash right? Well that’s exactly what Vince Neil of Motley Crue fame has done.

The Motley Crue man recently released his autobiography, fantastically titled, Tattoos & Tequila: To Hell and Back with One of Rock’s Most Notorious Frontmen. If you want to read a 320 page book about drinking, driving, doing both at the same time, and the occassional playing of music, then check it out.

At first, I suspected that Vince had probably paid a ghost writer to write it for him, but then I read the quote calling Sharon Osbourne “the most evil, shittiest woman I’ve ever met in my life.” and figured a ghost writer would have written that a little more eliquently.

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