Author Archives: Mark


Disturbed unveil artwork for new album

Disturbed have unveiled the artwork for their new album, The Lost Children.

The verdict? Disturbing… By which, I mean it’s as shit as all their other album covers. Make the jump to see it for yourselves.


New Kittie video interview posted

You can watch a new video interview with Morgan Lander (guitar, vocals) and Mercedes Lander (drums) of the Canadian Metal band Kittie, above. It’s not as hot as a Katy Perry video, but at least it’s Metal and not quite as shit.

The interview was conducted by El Muerte of Capital Chaos. For more on Kittie and their new album, check out Blabbermouth.


Sebastian Bach still loves making records…

The AU Review recently conducted an interview with the former Skid Row singer, Sebastian Bach.

I guess it’s like one of those vicious cycle things, huh? Sebastian Bach likes making albums (*cough* likes money *cough*), I don’t like listening to them, but yet I end up writing about it. Seb hates me, so he continues to torture me with his crap albums, and I continue to write, because I’m a sadist masochist. Which came first, Sebastian Bach‘s shit music, or my shit writing? Mind = blown, I know.

Anyways, I think I found the reasons for Seb’s shitty music:

“Yeah, well, I want to keep on making records. I don’t just listen to singles, I listen to albums. I love the Black Veil Brides new album, Set The World On Fire, it’s a great album. I like Hellyeah when they put out records, I think they put out great albums”

Source: Blabbermouth

Tell me that doesn’t explain a lot.


Opeth mainman in new video interview

Fancy taking a trip back in time? Then why not watch the video interview with Opeth frontman Michael Åkerfeldt above. It’s a new interview, but it was taking with such a shitty camera, you’d think it’s 2001 and the first video phone had just come out.

The interview was conducted by Sam “Blammymatazz” Hatch, host of the Hartford, Connecticut metal radio programThe House Of Zazz’. In it, Michael discusses the new album, the lack of death growls, as well as some other semi-interesting shit.



Tori Amos challenges metal bands

Singer, Tori Amos is one crazy, crazy lady.

In a recent interview with, Tori randomly laid down a challenge to “the hardest fucking heavy metal band”, but I’m unsure of exactly what the challenge is. She goes on to say she will “them down, alone”. But how Tori? How? Her response?

“Because emotion has power that the metal guys know is just you can’t touch it. Insanity can’t touch the soul. It’s going to win every fucking time.”

Source: Blabbermouth

Say whaaat? I honestly haven’t got a clue what she is going on about. Besides, why is she talking about souls? I thought gingers’ didn’t have souls? If you do understand her, however, please dial 0845-I-don’t-give-a-crap and leave a message to someone who cares.

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