Author Archives: Mark


Staind give their new song away free

Staind giving a song away is like those people on the streets giving leaflets away. You look at it, and then promptly put it in the nearest bin.

Luckily for you, Staind have made it a bit more difficult to get the new song they’re very kindly giving away unless you really want it. You have to submit your details and email address and then they send you a link to download the song. That’s exactly what I’ve just done and now I just know that Roadrunner UK and Staind are going to sell my details and spam my inbox with crappy music promotion. I’m a fearless bastard though and took a “bullet” for the team for the sake of this news post and my future ‘Weekly Playlist’ post (click).

Do you know what takes the piss, however? I’m listening to the song now and I’ve already heard it. It’s not even a “new” new song, I heard it a week or two back on Youtube. God dammit, I’ve been screwed over!

If you’re clinically insane, you can download the new song ‘Eyes Wide Open’ within the next 48 hours for free at Or you could just listen to the stream below.


This week’s playlist

Have you ever wondered what we’ve been busy blasting here at the Dose of Metal office? Of course you haven’t, we don’t even have an office, but that doesn’t mean we can’t review some new metal tracks for you, and let you readers know what’s been hogging our stereo.

This week I decided to do something I rarely do – actually check out some new music. I sometimes get so caught up in my own ways, listening to the same bands over again, that I forget their is a wealth of other music out there.

Since this week’s feature is the first, I’m going to review some new tracks from the last month or so, but from next week I’m going to keep it to mainly just new tracks released in that given week. But enough about that, let’s just get on with it shall we? Make the motherflipping jump before I pop a cap in your ass.


A metalhead’s first album

What is a metalhead? What makes a metalhead, a metalhead? What is metal? These are all questions we, from time to time, have to ask, and the answers are never quite clear. These are things that Alex has slightly touched upon in his latest DoM entrée, but one thing I’ve been thinking about lately, is why do metalhead’s always name insanely cool albums as their “first album”?

Now don’t get me wrong, I cannot pretend this rant is deep, philosophical, or even interesting for that matter, but it is something that has been bugging me for a while now.

Have you ever seen on internet forums topics about what users first album they bought was? Or maybe you’ve had this conversation with friends in real life? A lot of people name classic, even legendary albums. Led Zeppelin IV, Black Sabbath, Master of Puppets, Peace Sells…, and you get the idea. I have even seen this discussion in magazines with members of popular bands, in which their answers are nearly always the same.

Do these people have selective memory, perhaps? Are they telling the truth? Maybe they loved metal since the moment they were born and never got into any of that power rangers, teletubby or dance crap that kids naturally find appealing at an early age. To me, it just seems like people claiming their first fuck was with a Pamela Anderson look-alike, when deep down we all know it was that drunk chick that looked like she had consumed 12 too many cheese burgers.

So this brings the topic to myself. “What was my first album?” you are probably not wondering. Well, it was something so insanely brutal, extreme and heavy that it brought great concern to my parents in regards to my mental health. I’m talking about an album that inspired violence and redefined what exactly metal is. If you want to know what the first album I ever bought was, then just make the jump.


Friday Top 10: Best Machine Head songs

First thing’s first, let me tell you something: Compiling this list has been an absolute shitcunt. I’m pretty sure I may have just offended more than a few people with that language, but hey, if you’re reading Dose of Metal you’ve probably come to expect poor language and poor writing. If you are offended, you may just want to remove that sand from your vagina before it starts to itch too much. That’s a number one health tip from Doctor Mark (I’m not really a doctor though, I’m barely even a person, so please don’t sue me).

But back to business, as I was saying, writing this week’s Top 10 has been pretty damn hard. Apart from my inability to construct a concise sentence (number one tip BTW, don’t begin a sentence with the word ‘but’) and put those things together that form words (letters maybe?), I’ve also struggled to keep this list to just 10 songs. Machine Head have a lot of kick ass, awesome tracks that really should have made the cut, but I simply couldn’t include due to having to fit it into one Top 10 list.

So anyways, make the jump, read the Top 10 and then go bitch about what an idiot I am for failing to mention [insert song] from [insert album] that “sooooo should have made the list!”


Fleshgod Apocalypse answer fan questions

The brutal symphonic (or symphonic brutal, I forget which was around it is) metal band, Fleshgod Apocalypse recently took the time to answer a number of questions sent in by fans via Facebook and Twitter. You can watch the part one of the question-and-answer session in the above video.

I wish more band would do this. I want to know how Aaron Lewis of Staind stays so cheerful and keeps in shape, I want fashion tips from Fred Durst, and I want hair style advise from Corey Taylor. Oh and I mustn’t forget the make up tips I could do with from Dani Filth.

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