Author Archives: Mark


Arch Enemy interview

God I hate Sundays. The day of rest? The day of boredom, more like. Being a full blown Satanist (I kid, I kid) means I also hate the religious connections that link to Sunday, as a day of worship. I guess I could sacrifice a goat or two, but that gets boring too after a while.

By now, assuming you’re still reading and haven’t got bored, you’re probably wondering what my little opening rant has to do with an Arch Enemy interview. Well, nothing to be honest. It’s just that Sunday is also a boring day for Metal news and I just hate this fucking day.

Arch Enemy were recently interviewed by Who cares though? Yawn. If you’re really, really, really bored, then check out the interview in the video above. Otherwise, just go ahead and wait for the awesome Weak Recap to make your Sunday a better one.


Live Dose of Metal: Iron Maiden

What you see above, is the single reason why I can no longer listen to the studio version of the Iron Maiden classic, ‘Fear of the Dark’.

Rock in Rio by Maiden is one of the greatest live Metal albums of all time, recorded at the Rio festival in 2001. It kicks ass, and the rendition of ‘Fear of the Dark’ is the closest thing to perfection you will ever witness. So click play now, kick back and tell me you won’t be singing along to every single word.


Friday Top 10: Notorious acts

It’s a late Friday evening, which means whilst everyone else is out either getting laid or getting drunk, I’m once again stuck inside, writing for Dose of Metal and publishing this week’s Friday Top 10.

Metal as a genre is undoubtedly one that is full of controversies, stories of self-mutilation, murder, drugs and religious intolerance. Sure, these are often unjustified criticisms directed at the genre by conservative morons, and I am by no means trying to play into these idiots’ hands, but the purpose of this Top 10 is going to revel in some of the “edgier” sides of Metal.

So if you’re interested in reading about some of the more controversial, notorious and outrageous Rock and Metal acts, then just make the motherfucking jump.


I <3 Machine Head

Today when I was in town I blew my load. No, I didn’t see a Justin Bieber poster (he is legal right?). I blew my load on Machine Head‘s special edition of 2007’s The Blackening. I’m not entirely sure why, after all, I have had the standard album since the day of release, but fuck it, I bought it anyway.

The special edition comes with a bonus disc full of B-sides and demos that span Machine Head‘s entire career, as well as a live DVD.

The most powerful part of the DVD can be viewed above. Grab a beer and witness one of the Head‘s best performances. Try not to blow your load otherwise you’ll have messy pants to change.


Stillwell stillsuck

iKorn (who? What?) recently conducted an interview with Stillwell, and well, they kind of still suck. The band feature Fieldy of Korn fame and a bunch of Nu Metal has-beens that really shouldn’t have been offered another chance at making it in the music industry.

Their album apparently is already out (released May 10th), which means it successfully managed to come out without me even realizing. That’s great news for myself.

If you stillcare about Nu Metal (Why?) then have a read of blabbermouth.

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