Author Archives: Mark


Weekly Dose of Metal: Hate Eternal

Do you know what’s awesome? Hate. Do you know what would be, like, totally awesome? If hate could somehow become eternal. Wouldn’t that be amazing?

I sometimes wonder how many of these Death Metal bands come up with their names (I’d personally call my band Jesus Has His Eyes Gouged Out By An Erect Penis), but what does it really matter when the music kicks so much ass? And that’s exactly what Hate Eternal do.

To answer my pointless rantings though, the band are named after an old Ripping Corpse demo song, but all you need to do is listen to the song ‘I Monarch’ taken from the album of the same name below and everything will be all right.


Fear of the predictable machine

‘Choking Victim’, more like choking singer. The vocals on Munky of Korn fame’s new project Fear and the Nervous System sound like a castrated Jonathan Davis (how predictable). ‘Choking Victim’ is just another reminder in 2011 that the Nu-Metal genre just won’t fucking die. This is the 21st Century people, when are you going to learn that Nu Metal is outdated and unacceptable in this day and age?

The band also feature Billy Gould of Faith No More, so I almost feel dirty for ridiculing the song so badly, but seriously ‘Choking Victim’ almost makes me want to go back to listening to Staind‘s new song.


Staind go heavy (again) lulz

So in case you’ve been out of the loop (lucky you), Staind have announced they’re going back to their roots for the forthcoming album (i.e. going “heavy”), and the first (or second, third, fuck knows) song from that album has been released to the internet.

I guess the band are making the “progression” (or “regression”, which ever sounds cooler)  from doing the sappy ball-less rock ballads crap, to doing the ‘let’s be heavy again, because it’s what our fans want’ thing. Either one is laughable though. Either you get generic by numbers ballads or generic by numbers Nu-Metal, the end result still leaves my trousers staind with my disgust. And not in a good way.

The new song ‘Eyes Wide Open’ can be listened to below. The forthcoming self-titled album (don’t you know, that’s what all the cool bands do when they decide to regress) will be out September 13th.


Disturbed do it for themselves

Disturbed write music for themselves yo. That’s the claim guitarist Dan Donegan makes in a recent interview with “Congrats on Asylum being Disturbed‘s fourth consecutive #1 debut. Did you feel, as you were writing the album, it would do well?”
Dan: To be honest, we felt that. We don’t second-guess what it is that’s working or what the fans or label or anybody else is expecting from us. We just write music for ourselves.”

Source: Blabbermouth

Thank God Disturbed write music for themselves, because if they were writing it for, say me, I’d have to say they’re really failing. Now, what would make this perfect, is if they could really take this “making music for ourselves” thing that one step further, and literally just don’t released any more music to the public. If you could do that for me guys, that would be great thanks.


I lied

So what do you know? It’s the 29th of June and here I am on the internet, despite my little rantings yesterday regarding Trivium. What can I say? I can’t keep away from porn Dose of Metal.

For those of you who don’t know (or don’t usually read DoM, because you suck or for whatever reason), yesterday I swore that I would be avoiding the internet all day, as Trivium were releasing a new song titled ‘Dusk Dismantled’. As it happens, I not only failed, but I’m also posting about the band again. In fact, I even listened to the song 🙁

You can check out a stream of the new song yourself, below.


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