Author Archives: Mark


GNR Bassist announces solo album

Tommy Stinson (no, us neither), the apparent current bassist of Guns N’ Roses, is apparently ready to release a solo album in August. The album will be called One Man Mutiny and is apparently the bassist’s second. I mean really? What was the first one?

Expect another 400 Tommy Stinson solo albums before the next Guns N’ Roses album.

Find more information over at Blabbermouth.


New Gojira EP details

Thanks to Metal Hammer we have some more details regarding the upcoming special EP from Gojira.

The EP is going to feature a whole wealth of artists, so it’s like all your favorite porn stars involved in one awesome film. Only this is music and it won’t make people think you’re a weird pervert, but my analogy sure will make people think I’m one. Oh well…

The EP will feature none other than Devin Townsend, Randy from Lamb of God, Max Cavalera of four million bands (Soulfly etc), Anders of In Flames, and some of the dudes from Meshuggah. It’s also for charity and Greenpeace, but I don’t really care about the preachy crap, because I’m hardcore like that. If you do, however, you can get all the details from Metal Hammer.


Black Dahlia Murder give you another new song

Another new track from extreme break-dancing death-inspired applecore band Black Dahlia Murder has made its way onto the interwebz.

The exclusive stream of ‘Malenchanments Of The Necrosphere’ (I think that means ‘death is awesome’ or ‘Dose of Metal is awesome’ or ‘Mark is awesome in bed.’ Something like that) from the Black Dahlia Murder‘s new album, Ritual (out June 21) can be listened to over at Alt Press.


Trent Reznor gets in on the covers

There’s something about today and Led Zeppelin‘s ‘Immigrant Song’ because not only have Enslaved covered it, but now Trent Reznor has got in on the action.

So you’ve had your Metal approach and now you can have your 1990s Sega style 8 bit version, aren’t you lucky?

Trent Reznor is working with Atticus Ross on the score to the David Fincher (they’re like BFFs now apparently) directed, ‘The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’.  The Led Zeppelin cover includes a collaboration with Yeah Yeah Yeah’s singer Karen O. Check it out above. Or don’t, otherwise you could be like me asking yourself why you stopped watching porn to listen to that crap. Sigh, the things I do for this site.


Enslaved get their cover on

The Norwegian extreme Progressive Metal monsters, Enslaved, recently played a special show on May 29 at the Henie Onstad Art Centre in Oslo.

What made the show so special, I hear you ask? And you’d be right to ask that considering my absence. Well, knowing the huge wealth of influences the band have, Enslaved were asked to provide a special setlist of covers as well as original songs. The band covered a range of artists, including Faith No More, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Rush and King Crimson. A band doing covers? What an original concept.

You can check out videos of their covers of Led Zeppelin‘s ‘Immigrant Song’ and King Crimson‘s ‘Red’ after the jump.

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