Author Archives: Mark


Kailin release Remnants

UK newcomers (and incomers), Kailin have released a new track called ‘Remnants’. Well, they released it nearly a month ago, so it’s not really that new, but I’m not the fastest guy around. Slow and steady wins the race, and all that…

The track has various ‘tags’ on Soundcloud, such as ‘please download this song and we will give head’ So by writing about this song I’m hoping I’m going to be owed a lot more than just head. Hopefully full intercourse? I can only dream. The image above also may not be the current lineup, but luckily they’re so far away, no one will be able to tell.

So is the new track any good? You can press play below and find out for yourselves, but my opinion is pretty damn epic in all honesty, so go ahead and read what I have to say too. The track is heavy and melodic, taking the kind of direction they had with previous track ‘Colours’ and pushing the envelope further. The ambient elements and breakdowns seen in ‘Colours’ are still a feature of ‘Remnants’ and the stark contrast of melodic harmonious instrumentation and aggressive screams make for a stunning combination. If this is a sign of the progress Kailin have made so far, I for one cannot wait to hear what the band come up with next.

The song can be downloaded in a full CD quality WAV file from Soundcloud. I’d download it myself, but that’s 48 megabytes I could be using on porn. Just kidding, I did download it, and now it’s your turn.

Kailin – Remnants by Kailin

Click here to find Kailin on Facebook.


Hellyeah to ‘heavy it up’

Watch out, looks like Vinnie Paul is about to hit the cheese burgers and heavy shit up.

No, but seriously, he’s actually talking about his band, Hellyeah (Why is that one word? Seriously) who have plans for another album (please no!), in which they are to ‘heavy it up’ a bit.

Sounds exciting right? Ha, no I didn’t think so. Blabbermouth have all the news and a video or something… Did I watch it? Hellno!


Talking of In Flames….

…There’s actually some In Flames news doing the rounds. If you like to think of In Flames as a good band, as opposed to being a washed up band with little purpose, you may as well go back to the previous post. Otherwise, make the jump for a third “webisode” (who coined that name BTW? It seriously sucks). I would embed it above like my previous post, but I like to pretend In Flames are still good and don’t suck, so I hide that kind of thing beneath the jump. If you do care, and missed the previous two webisodes, you can also check those out below too.


Back when they were still good: In Flames

In case you had forgotten, In Flames once sounded like this. Not bad is it? Now they sound like the ugly offspring of an orgy of awful bands and genres.

So, ok the quality of the live footage is absolutely abysmal, but there just isn’t any beating Old School In Flames (well maybe At The Gates…).


The Clown is on Facebook

Ever wondered what the Clown in Slipknot actually does? Yeah me too. Apparently he bangs the trash cans every once in a while, or something. He’s also on Facebook. Now you can go ‘like’ him and view some new Slipknot photos. I guess that’s his new job… Uploading Slipknot photos.

I haven’t seen them myself, I was too busy playing Farmville.

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