Author Archives: Mark


Dose of the Nu

Nu-Metal isn’t exactly the most popular of genres. It’s the guy that never got the prom date, the girl that was still a virgin at 35, and the guy that was always picked last for sports. It’s the underdog, and in many respects, that’s exactly why so many kids identified with the genre. Let’s be honest though, the year is no longer 1999 and most of us have since grown up and realized the music was crap.

However, for every 1,000 misogynistic, shitty songs about sex, and every 2,000 songs about how much parents suck, there was at least one or two gems that actually stood out from the cesspit of a genre.

So, want to listen to 5 Nu-Metal songs that don’t suck (well in my opinion, feel free to disagree)? Then get your dosage after the jump. Before you do though, please realize that I don’t care who or what is Nu-Metal as I don’t even recognize it as a real genre. So don’t bother telling me that some a band is actually “Industrial Aggro Alternative Carnival Funk Grunge Metal” instead please, because not only do I not care, I also don’t care.


Trivium progress

This next story is a common one. Trivium have reached that point in their career where they have realised they’re not bigger than Jesus, and that they probably should just re-hash the stuff that made them big in the first place. It happens to a lot of bands; Korn, and Metallica to a slightly lesser extent, just for example.

You know the deal. Band releases album. Album makes the band big. Band then think that because they’re big, they can try to “push boundaries” (read release shit music) and that people will still like them. Band fall flat on their faces and wonder where their income has gone too. Band decide they’ll go “back to their roots” in a desperate attempt to reclaim their credibility and popularity. And then more often than not, this results in the band once again falling flat on their faces…

Yeah, so guess what Trivium are planning on doing?



Yes, we’ve used this joke before (the title), but in the same way Iwrestledabearonce insist on remixing the same Super Mario theme over and over again and calling it new music, I’m going to keep writing the same Iwrestledabearonce jokes over and over again.

According to Blabbermouth, the band have begun work on their new album. One to avoid unless you’re a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog on acid, of course.


Chris Cornell solo acoustic tour

Chris Cornell, of Soundgarden (and once Audioslave) has announced a solo acoustic “Songbook” tour, running from April to May 2011. This will be his first acoustic solo tour, in which he will perform songs from throughout his career, as well as a few “surprise” covers.

This news, despite getting me about as excited as I was when my Girlfriend took me to see Brokeback Mountain, is surely better than him announcing a Macbook tour. Seeing as his last album was some synth-pop tripe, made on a Macbook, I thought he may go for that angle instead.

Dates after the jump.


Motley Sue

More Mötley Crüe news for you today, although I must admit, I’m merely posting this news for my amazingly witty title. Ok, it’s not that witty, but considering my greatest achievement in my life is my 5 meter swimming badge I gained last year, this post is pretty high in my list of great things I’ve done. Not to mention it’s nearly as highbrow as my Motley poo joke.

So on with the post…

Mötley Crüe are apparently being sued Ron Toma who claims he owns the copyright to the “belt buckle photo” taken by photographer Michael Pinter back in 1981, used for the band’s debut album, Too Fast for Love. The band used the image without permission on hooded sweatshirts they are selling on their web sites.

So basically, some guy claim he owns the image of a male crotch. I would have used the image of the cover for my above picture, but I’m scared of getting sued. So instead I’ve used a picture of a woman called Sue, who just so happens to be wearing a Mötley Crüe t-shirt. Find the Too Fast for Love picture and all the info here.

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