Author Archives: Mark


Korn “virtual” meet-and-greet

Nu-Metal creators, Korn are apparently set to take place in a “virtual” meet-and-greet tonight. Presumably this will be with some “virtual fans” too. A bit like Virtual Pets, only I’m guessing Korn will be answering some “virtual” questions, rather than “feeding” the fans and “cleaning” up their shit.

But in all seriousness, I have this completely wrong. All this “virtual meet-and-greet” is, is a meet-and-greet done via the amazing powers of the internet. Korn wouldn’t have to make up some virtual fans, of course..

Anyways, if you actually want some details on this amazing event (that’s some virtual sarcasm BTW), then you can find more information here.


Blood Red Throne give updates

Are you a fan of Blood Red Throne (and if the answer to that is no, why not?) and excited for some major exclusive updates? Then sorry to disappoint you, and sorry to get your hopes up, but the band do indeed have, at least, some words for 2011.

The band toured a lot last year (apparently with Dimmu Borgir for some reason, and Enslaved) and Blood Red Throne have mentioned how great this was for them, but also discuss their plans for 2011, which can be read below.

“As for 2011, Død has written five new killer tunes for an upcoming album. We’re returning to Mexico the first weekend in June, playing a festival with Sepultura. In August, we’re playing with Morbid Angel, Vader, Gorguts and Nevermore at the Brutal Assault Festival!”

More information can be found here.


One Minute Silence return

Yay, more Nu-Metal Rapcore acts return. In case you haven’t heard, it’s the new bandwagon. It’s the new cool thing to do. It’s like all the Nu-Metal bands were drowning their sorrows together, wondering whatever happened to their fame and fortune, and then it clicked. They could all plan comebacks and make it the new fad.

We’ve had Crazy Town, Limp Bizkit, and Rage Against the Machine reunite, but now we have One Minute Silence back too. Well 3/4s of them anyways. I can hardly wait for more hip-de-hop chicken pecking headbanging action.

All the boring factual stuff can be read here.


GNR bassist goes solo

Alleged Guns N’ Roses bassist, Tommy Stinson (Also Known as; who is that guy, and what has he done with Duff Mckagan?) has announced some solo dates.

Because everyone always wants to see the bassist go solo, right? This is quite interesting GNR, but unfortunately it just doesn’t compete with Slipknot’s DJ going solo. Now that’s the kind of interesting shit we want to hear.

One Man Mutiny, a brand new track from Tommy Stinson, is available for free download on his official web site. I’m going to assume he doesn’t just play bass then? Because that would be rather boring… I would download the song to find out, but I have a data limit, and if it’s a choice between pr0n and a Tommy Stinson solo song, then pr0n wins I’m afraid.

The dates can be found after the jump. Do youself a favor, and don’t bother looking.


Dose for Sunday

So, today is Sunday, ‘the day of rest,’ God day if you will, but to me, and many others, Sundays just plain suck. It’s the day you do nothing, just waiting for Monday to come when you have to go back to work, to work a job you hate in order to buy the crap you don’t need.

Have you been to church? No? Well good, fuck that, and welcome to Metal church. Here’s just 5 songs to get you in a better mood, ready for work tomorrow. Check out my 5 songs after the jump.

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