Author Archives: Mark


Chris Adler isn’t a Fred Durst fan

The ever so modest Chris Adler, of Lamb of God, who just the other day educated us on how “amazing” LOG are, has blasted Fred Durst (of Limp Bizkit) in a recent interview (welcome to the bandwagon, Chris).

Chris Adler was asked by Roadrunner Records, what was the “crappiest moment in music in the last 30 years?” and responded with just two words: Fred Durst. He then went on a rant about country music, as if anyone below the age of dead cares about country anyways…

I’m going to go ahead and assume Chris hasn’t heard 50 Cent, Lady Gaga or The Black Eyed Peas then…. Or his own music for that matter, if he really thinks it’s so unique. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a bit of Lamb of God every now and then, but unique or original, they are not.

Read the full story here.


Nonpoint still ruining music

Nonpoint, the band that successfully takes the worst parts of the Nu-Metal genre, and then violates the music in the most disturbing ways possible, have decided that writing their own crap “music” is just not enough. No, they’ve decided they need to take a classic song and engage in non-consensual fornication with said song, and thus doing the same to my ears.

The song they have chosen to cover is Michael Jackson‘s Billy Jean, and can be heard after the jump.


The Iron Maidens save the day

The Iron Maidens (the World’s only all female Iron Maiden tribute band apparently) recently “saved the day” at a Paul Di’Anno (original Maiden vocalist) gig. Paul was unfortunately unable to make it to the venue due to being snowed in, but fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it), The Iron Maidens just happened to be in the crowd. The girls stepped up to perform an hour and a half set along with an ex Anthrax singer. Not sure which one though, Anthrax have had about a hundred vocalists. Nah, I’m kidding, it was Neil Turbin. As in the original singer that isn’t Joey.

Motörhead guitarist Phil Campbell also helped out The Maidens. It is the reported that the crowd were happy with the alterations, as this was the first time they had seen women this close up.

More info found here.


Darkest Hour reveal artwork

Generic Metalcore/Melodic Death Metaller’s Darkest Hour have revealed the artwork for their forthcoming album, The Human Romance, which is scheduled for a February 22, 2011 release.

The artwork is some skeletons making out or something lame. Check it out after the jump. That’s if you can be bothered taking yourself away from your porn for a couple of seconds. I wouldn’t bother if I were you, unless skeleton porn is your thing of course.


Friday Top 10: Worst albums of 2010

So, it’s another week and another awesome dose of our Friday Top 10 for you. Yes, it’s true, whilst everyone else is out getting laid, getting drunk and preparing for an awesome weekend, we’re here slaving away to provide you a Friday Top 10, in order to help make your weekend that bit more awesome. Aren’t we awesome? Yes, we are. Thank you for telling us.

And what do we have for you this week? Well, as 2010 has come to its end and we are now celebrating the start of 2011, what better way to celebrate, then have a good old bitch about the crappy parts of 2010? And that’s exactly what we’ll be doing. This week, we look back at the 10 worst albums of 2010. Enjoy reading after the jump mofos.

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