Category Archives: Crap


Getcha Poll: Polling Teeth

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Kick them

Trap Them

Ryan McKenney is awesome, you have to agree with me on that one. You’ll also agree with me when I say “Just who the fuck is Ryan McKenney?”

Apparently, he’s the singer for Trap Them. Now, I could recycle the same joke above once again, but I won’t. Instead, I’ll tell you to make the jump, play the video and see how Ryan deals with an asshole in the audience. Pro tip: skip to around 2:52 in the video, watch it for about a minute, then skip again to 6:30. Now, if there’s one thing I hate, is one guy (usually drunk/drugged jerk) ruining the fun for everyone else. Kudos to Ryan, you go girl.


Anarchy in the UK

What’s this, what’s this, Dose of Metal going all political on your ass? You betcha! Vote for us. We’ll be corrupt like no politician was before, but at least we’ll be honest about it.

Anywho, some dude in the Britain’s House of Parliament was bored by his colleague, so he started air guitaring with his notebook. Who can blame him? Either that, or he has a funny way of touching himself and was air jerking. Who can blame him?


Metal goes gaga

If, like me, you’re actually a closet Pop fan (I’m also a closet homosexual, but now’s not the time for that), you may just enjoy this Metalized cover of Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance by a band known as Leander. I’d love to say I actually know who they are, BTW, but I don’t. In a perfect world, I’d know who Leander are, and not who Lady Gaga is, but oh well.

In other news, I’m still hoping Lady Gaga will join Anthrax.


How To: Write a song like Max Cavalera

Max Cavaler

Anyone can write a Max Cavalera song. Read on to see how easy it is.

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