Category Archives: Dose


Weekly Dose of Metal: Naglfar

Naglfar are a bit of an anomaly in the Metal world, as they’re one of the only Black Metal bands that I actually really enjoy. Not that Black Metal is bad or anything, but it’s just not my favorite sub-genre of Metal. The band themselves are a Swedish Melodic Black Metal band, and stand out from many of the other Black Metal bands as they combine many of the elements found in the Melodic Death genre.

Formed in 1992, Naglfar have undergone many line-up alterations over the years. My favorite track of theirs, is Spoken Words of Venom from 2005’s Pariah, and can be heard below. It’s the live version, because the only studio version on Youtube sucked in quality.


Weekly Dose of Metal: Withered

Withered is an extreme Metal band hailing from Atlanta, Georgia. The band formed back in 2004, and began to start making a name for themselves from then on. I’m not entirely sure what happened though, but I haven’t heard a lot about them in a couple of years now. That’s probably down to my laziness however, because the band released a new album called Dualitas just last year. Check out the band’s official site for more info. If you enjoy Death Metal that incorporates a lot melody (don’t want to say Melodic Death Metal), then you might just like Withered.

My favorite Withered song ‘Within Your Grief‘ from 2005’s Memento Mori can be heard below.


Weekly Dose of Metal: Esoteric

I’m writing for Dose of Metal, so obviously I’m a fairly big fan of Metal. However, I have a bit of a confession to make, I’ve never been a huge fan of Doom Metal. It’s just not depressing enough for me, and way too cheery. I mean Jeeze guys, not everything is all fun and games you know?

Not to worry though, because in Esoteric, I found a Doom Metal band (Progressive Doom Metal even) that are not only awesome but also really, really depressing. Fantastic stuff!

Esoteric formed back in 1992, and have been going strong since despite a few line-up alterations over the years. The band incorporates highly acute, somewhat distorted vocals and samples over slow paced riffs and atmospheric melodies. And I’ll be honest, I just stole that from Wikipedia, because I’m way to lazy to describe the band myself.

The band’s song ‘Circles‘ taken from 2008’s The Maniacal Vale can be found below.


Weekly Dose of Metal: Akercocke

It’s time to rock out with your Akercocke out guys, because this week I shall be filling in for Guido for the Weekly Dose of Metal.

In case it isn’t painfully obvious from my initial sentence, this week I’m introducing you to a band called Akercocke. The band are a Progressive Blackened Death Metal band from England, and if you think that’s a mouthful, wait until you try and digest some of their epic 10 minute songs. This band are like the Opeth crossed with Behemoth, which is a good combination, I’m sure you’ll agree.

I’ve reviewed one of their albums before, so go have a read of that, and then check out the song ‘Verdelet’ below, taken from the album Words that go Unspoken, Deeds that go Undone.


Weekly Dose of Metal: Allhelluja

Allhelluja are a Stoner Metal band from Italy, that once featured former Hatesphere vocalist Jacob Bredahl (not pictured above).

There’s not much I can tell you about Allhelluja. They formed in 2003 and released three albums since, the first two featuring Jacob Bredahl. I haven’t listened to the latest album but the first two albums feature laid back Stoner Metal. Perfect music to get… well, stoned to.

This following song ‘Nervous Titter’ comes off the 2005 album ‘Inferno Museum’.

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