Category Archives: Friday Top 10
Friday Top 10: Best hangover cures
So we taught you how to drink like a metalhead and we’re sure you put that to good use this Christmas. We also hope you’ll put that knowledge to good use this New Year’s Eve. However, now it’s time to teach you how to deal with the dreaded morning of January 1st… Like a metalhead.
They say a hangover is God’s way of telling you you shouldn’t drink… We say… A hangover cure is our way of giving the middle finger back to God. Make the jump and read 10 ways to do that…
Friday Top 10: Christmas drinking games
Christmas is fun. You get to celebrate Jesus and get wasted out of your mind. That’s enough for Mel Gibson and it should be enough for you.
But we here at Dose of Metal want to spice up your Christmas so we’ll give you 10 amazing suggestions to make your transition into a coma smoother, because drinking responsibly is for pussies. Make the jump and learn how you can be an alcoholic with style!
Friday Top 10: The year 2010 in metal
2010. Not as good as 2001, but still okay. Can you believe the year is coming to and end? I barely can. And then I got the job to compile a list of the most important things that happened this year. When I say the most important, I mean the most important in metal. No matter what your mom tells you, nothing is more important than metal.
Make the jump to see what made the list, and bitch about the things that haven’t.
Friday Top 10 (on a Saturday): Best albums of 2010
I’ll be honest with you, I forgot to post my Best of 2010 Top 10 yesterday so it’s going to be the first Friday Top 10 on a Saturday!
This list is all about 2010 and the best albums that have been released this year. Make the jump to read what I think.
Friday Top 10: Best albums of 1983
1983 was an amazing year. Why? Well, that was the year I came out of my mothers vagina. Also was the year for some really good albums. Will you like all of my top 10? Probably not.
Go make the jump to view the list!