Category Archives: Interviews


Interview: Kyle Thomas (Exhorder)

It has been a difficult time for Exhorder lately. Bassist Frankie Sparcello (pictured above on the left) died last month.

I originally talked to Kyle Thomas, Exhorder’s singer, just a little over a week before Frankie died, for an interview. The interview was then, understandably, put on hold for a while. Then I completely rewrote the questions for the interview to talk about the recent events, their third studio album and how it feels to be back with Exhorder.

Make the jump for my interview with Exhorder’s Kyle Thomas.


Interview: Kirk Windstein (Crowbar, Down, Kingdom of Sorrow)

Kirk Weindstein (Crowbar, Down, Kingdom of Sorrow)

Kirk Windstein is a man of many talents, but not a man of many words. He plays in three awesome bands, and he got to be interviewed by an awesome site. In case you didn’t figure it out by the post title and the previous sentence, he was interviewed by us. And in case you didn’t figure it out by everything and anything written by us, we’re awesome.

Yours truly got a chance to do a quick chat with him, so make the jump and read it. How quick was it? Well, you’ll realize what I meant by “not a man of many words” shortly after you start reading it. Which won’t take much, because the entire interview could fit a tweet and a half. Maybe Kirk’s become eco conscious, and he’s saving bytes? What do I know… Just make the jump already.


Interview: Andy McKee

Andy McKee is one of my favorite guitarists. I’m not just saying that because I got to interview him, it’s true. Like a lot of people, I first noticed him when his Drifting video went viral.

What I love about him is that unlike other ‘slap guitarists,’ he doesn’t rely on that technique for all of his work. A lot of his other songs are ‘traditionally played’ and they’re just as amazing.

Two weeks ago I wrote an article about the Top 10 Ugliest Guitars and Andy‘s harpguitar (pictured above) came in second. I said it resembles a deformed penis. Andy’s fans weren’t too happy with it, as you can read in some of the comments. But what did Andy think of the article? How did he go from listening to metal to the acoustic guitar and does he like sweatpants? Make the jump to find out!

Oh, and today is Andy’s birthday so wish him a happy birthday on his Facebook page.


Interview: Tony Campos (Prong, Possessed, Asesino)

Tony Campos looks like a mean guy but he’s actually really nice, not to forget that he’s a great bassist and vocalist.

Tony plays (and played) in lots of bands, including Ministry, Dia de Los Muertos, Attika, Possessed, Asesino, OtepBuck Satan & the 666 Shooters, Prong and the band he started his career with: Static-X.

Check out my interview with him, where we talked about Asesino, his involvement with Possessed and his epic beard after the jump.


Interview: Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal (Guns N’ Roses)

We love it when we get to talk to musicians directly and interview them without third parties involved, and such was the case with Mr. Thal.

We’re proud of all the interviews we’ve done on this site but few interviewees really played along when it came to our unique way of asking questions. Remember Axe?

But Bumblefoot gets this type of humor and he embraces it, this is why this is my favorite Dose Of Metal interview so far.

So if you want to know what a typical day in the life of Bumblefoot is like, what his stage name would have been if his wife wasn’t a veterinarian, what he thinks should happen to us or how many necks a proper guitar should have, make the jump…

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